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The Full Story

Our Name

Anuncier is a play on the word Announce. The Latin for the word announce is Annuntiare. That seemed a little too complex so we shortened it. We choose this because we feel that there are so many small and growing organizations that are doing great work and that is should be announced or proclaimed to the world. 


Our mission is to demystify digital marketing for small and emerging organizations so they can announce their purpose to the world


To be the trusted marketing resource for growing organizations

Water Drops


'We should hire a consultant', I could hear my father groan at my suggestion. 'All a consultant is going to do is look at your watch and tell you what time it is' was his instant response. However, I knew that the economy, the community, even our base customer demographics were changing and evolving. I knew we had to get ourselves more present where our customers (both current and future) were. I just didn't know exactly how to do it and it would have been good to have that help, even just a little bit. That was almost twenty years ago when I ran a small business. Since then I have sold the business, worked to serve the nonprofit sector and focused on building my sales and marketing skills all with a goal that someday I would be able to help other small businesses and nonprofits in a similar way. 

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